Help Center

How do I know my newly walking one year old is ready to enroll in OCH?
Because we transition during the day and are a multi-age group, we require our "babies" to be able to walk across the room, and up and down the ramp to the playground.
Does my child have to potty train by a certain age?
At OCH we believe that it is developmentally appropriate for children to potty train in their own time. Children's readiness is unique to them. True readiness includes knowing when they need to potty, being able to pull their clothes up and down on their own, wash their hands, and stay dry for long periods of time. Ultimately your child should be willing and interested in this journey. At OCH we will not force a child to use the potty.
How can I get involved in the classroom/school?
OCH is a community that is successful with participation from all involved. As a co-op we have many ways you can be involved with our school. We thrive on the continued participation from our families. Children benefit the most from this when parents serve on a committee (fundraising, marketing, parent involvement, interior/exterior), the executive board (president, vice-president, treasurer, secretary), participate in 4 workdays per year, and/or share their special talents with the school. This includes but not limited to gardening, sewing cot sheets, repairing dress up clothes, or sharing activities such as science experiments.
Recommendations for your first day from parents:
Bring a favorite blanket/lovey/lunch item for familiarity
Reusable water bottle with straw, or sippy cup
Wear play clothes and play shoes
Family pictures for their cubby and/or family wall
Diapers (if needed), and change of clothes
Label everything for ease of organizing